
There are 27 states in the U.S. that are concealed carry states, states that allow citizens to carry a loaded concealed firearm without a permit...
  • 6 min read
From historic indoor settings to expansive outdoor facilities, these ranges cater to various preferences and disciplines.
  • 4 min read
What is the best Texas gun range? Or, is there really just one standout? In the vast and varied landscape of Texas...
  • 6 min read
Electronic ear protection is ingeniously crafted to dial down the volume of gunshots to a level that's safe for your ears while still letting you catch the essential sounds around you...
  • 5 min read
In recent years, the interest in shooting sports has surged, especially among the younger crowd.
  • 5 min read
For enthusiasts and professionals seeking the best gun ranges in Seattle, the city and its surroundings offer a variety of top-notch facilities.
  • 7 min read
From Riverside Magnum Range's friendly indoor lanes to the expansive outdoor experiences at Wren's Ranch and the cutting-edge facilities at Route 66 Shooting Sports Park, there's a range to suit every preference and need.
  • 5 min read
Here are top 7 best tactical flashlights, blending durability, functionality, and advanced features.
  • 9 min read
When deciding between passive and electronic earmuffs, understanding their distinct features is key.
81% of gun owners say owning a gun makes them feel safer.
  • 8 min read
Up until 2021, the number of concealed weapon permits issued across the United States reached a total of 21.52 million.
  • 8 min read
This year has brought some of the coolest and most useful tactical knife designs...
  • 6 min read
