
Did you know that even though Class 3 firearms are really powerful, you can legally have them in most places in the United States? But...
If you've ever wondered how to get into competitive shooting, know that it's a path filled with...
Every experienced gun owner will stress the importance of following range rules to the letter.
  • 8 min read
Studies reveal a notable 9% reduction in workplace homicides with stricter concealed carry provisions...
  • 10 min read
In order to help you find a perfect tactical vest for men or women, we've sifted through the...
  • 10 min read
Is there such a thing as a perfect tactical hat? At first glance, it might resemble your favorite everyday cap.
  • 8 min read
How can one discern between an ‘okay’ backpack and one that truly stands out?
  • 8 min read
While Glock has long been the go-to choice for many, determining which model stands out for concealed carry can be challenging.
  • 7 min read
With so many handgun calibers, sizes, and brands, hitting the bullseye with your first purchase is crucial.
  • 9 min read
What makes a gun a solid choice for concealed carry? It's all about the right features.
  • 12 min read
Around 75% of children residing in households with guns know their hiding spots, even when parents are confident in their concealment efforts...
  • 8 min read
357 Desert Eagle holds its cult status among gamers. What is it about the 357 Desert Eagle that sets it apart, making it the 'IT' gun of choice?
  • 6 min read
