There are 27 states in the U.S. that are concealed carry states, states that allow citizens to carry a loaded concealed firearm without a permit, and firearm ownership is a cultural landmark of life in America. Many American citizens greatly value the ability to conceal carry.
What is Concealed Carry?
Concealed carry is a guarantee of personal safety and authority with sufficient training and knowledge.
It has become more popular amongst women as of late especially to conceal carry, as safe and responsible gun use gives many women the peace of mind against any violent and threatening circumstances that they may have to face.
However, despite the benefits of being a concealed carry user, there are several factors to consider before doing so.
A woman who is either considering becoming a concealed carry user, or is already one, should certainly weigh in the several different factors for safety, comfort, and overall enjoyment of being a concealed carry gun owner.
Factors to Consider
Choice of Firearm
One important factor to consider is the exact choice of firearm you are carrying on your person. It’s imperative that you choose a firearm that is both comfortable to carry and reasonable to use.
Women should consider the size, weight, and caliber of the gun all in regard to their size, preference, and intent of use.
A larger gun may be too unwieldy to properly use in a concealed carry context. A firearm that’s too small may not possess the necessary defensive capabilities.
The same goes for the caliber of the firearm. For example, the devastating kickback of a .44 caliber revolver would be a poor choice for self-defense, as it is one of the most powerful options, and it’s even considered unsuitable for use as a police weapon.

However, a better choice for concealed carry would be what the police commonly use. This includes sidearms like the Glock Model 17, Model 19, and Sig Sauer P226, which use 9mm ammunition. This caliber of ammunition makes for a much more controllable recoil and smoother shooting experience.
When choosing between models, women should keep in mind the design differences between models. For example, the Glock 17 is considered the standard model, while the Glock 19 is a compact one. Choosing between these two options often means considering what feels better to hold, shoot, and store on your person.
Choice of Holster
Hand in hand with your firearm selection is your choice of holster. The proper choice of a holster helps ensure safe and discreet carrying.

Your holster should be well-fitting and comfortable to wear for several hours. This holster should also facilitate easy access in case an emergency arises, as well as being effective at concealing your firearm.
When choosing a holster, you should look into the many different types of holsters available in the market today, such as the following:
- Inside-the-waistband
- Outside-the-waistband
- Thigh holsters
- Ankle Holsters
- Specialized concealment holsters for women's clothing
- bras
- belly bands
- belts
- etc
Nowadays there seem to be endless options for just how women can concealed carry, with some purses even having holsters that attach to the inside wall for concealed carry.

Your best bet is to test out a variety of these holster types and find which one fits the most comfortably and provides the easiest access to draw.
IWB (Inside the waistband) holsters are great for concealed carry, are comfortable when seated, and are easy to access with training, but also might call for larger pants sizes to fit properly and can be visible behind tighter-fitting clothing.
OWB (Outside the waistband) holsters on the other hand are easier to draw from than IWB but are less properly concealed.
If you possess a smaller handgun than an ankle holster works for women seeking total concealment when paired with proper attire.
If concealment is not an issue, then a thigh holster is the best for quick draw and comfort compared to the rest, but cannot be concealed at all.
Choice of Clothing
After you find a holster that is right for you, it’s important to then consider the attire you’ll be wearing when carrying your concealed firearm.
Women’s concealed carry clothing has a much wider variation in fit and style when compared to men’s clothing, which means that your ability to conceal your firearm may be impacted greatly.
Something tight fitting might lead to the outline or “print” of the gun being exposed and may hinder the overall comfortability of carrying.

Luckily, there are many holsters specifically designed for women’s use, helping to facilitate synergy between attire and effective concealment and comfortability.
However, it’s important to test out different styles and outfits with your holsters to find out what works best for you before heading out.
Practice and Preparedness
Once you have your desired firearm, your preferred holster, and have tied them both into your outfit, one of the most crucial factors to consider when carrying a firearm is whether you have had the proper training and practice.
Carrying a concealed firearm is a major responsibility that should not be treated lightly.
Without the proper training in practice, you risk injury or even death for yourself and others around you. Learning proper handling and use of your firearm will help to minimize risk and maximize your overall gun safety.

Taking a concealed carry class is a good first step to being trained, as it will teach you both the legal implications of concealed gun carrying and how to handle your firearm.
It’s also just as important to keep practicing even after you learn the basics. A little extra practice is always a good thing!
With efficient and continued practice of drawing and firing your weapon, you can refine the necessary skills that could help save your life or the lives of others in a dangerous situation or from a dangerous person.
Some classes practice scenario-based training to help you prepare for real-world situations, and understand better where and when it is appropriate to draw a firearm.
Many local and chain firearm stores have great ranges and typically offer classes for those at any skill level with a firearm, which is perfect for those who are just getting into owning a firearm, those who are experienced, as well as anyone who finds themselves in between.

It is also imperative that you are up to date on your state's local laws, rules, and regulations on concealed carry. Making sure you have taken the proper steps that your state requires for a concealed carry permit is essential before you begin concealed carrying a firearm.
Overall Awareness
Once you’re at a comfortable level of familiarity with your firearm and are ready to take it with you out into the world, you must maintain situational awareness and a proper mindset.
After all, carrying a concealed firearm means that you carry a tremendous responsibility with it. To maintain a responsible mindset and situational awareness, it’s important for you to be aware of your surroundings and avoid any dangerous situations.

Just because you have the protection of a firearm does not mean you want to put yourself into a situation where you would have to use it. Being responsible with a firearm means doing everything possible to avoid using it.
Always remember that the use of a firearm is not something to be taken lightly. You should look at the use of your concealed firearm as a last resort and do everything you can to avoid escalating tense conflicts.
Using a firearm for self-defense is a great guarantee for your safety, but can come with some serious legal and ethical ramifications in doing so.
Become An Efficient Concealed Carrier
Looking back, at the end of the day, the most important factors for women concealed carriers to consider include their choice of firearm, holster, attire, and the necessity for proper training, practice, and a developed responsible mindset and situational awareness.
A concealed firearm is a powerful tool for self-protection and one that may save your life if needed, but careful thought and consideration of these factors is necessary if you are looking to make the most out of your concealed EDC.
The choice of a reasonable firearm for concealed carry will ensure that your gun can effectively be used for self-defense, your choice in a holster will determine how comfortable and how effective accessing your firearm is, proper attire will make sure your concealed firearm stays concealed, rigorous training and practice will have you guaranteed to be effective and safe with your firearm, and a developed responsible mindset and situational awareness will help you circumnavigate any potentially dangerous circumstances and conflicts that would force your draw.
So be safe, be knowledgeable, and most importantly enjoy the ease of mind that being a responsible concealed carrier brings.
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